Company History


It was on February 2, 1925 a committee was appointed to investigate repairing the fire house. John E. Kern gave an estimate of 2,250.00. After deliberation of expenses and considering equipment expansion, it was found to be more cost effective in just building a brand new firehouse. This being said, the Company appointed another committee to select a suitable lot for the new firehouse.

Several years after the suitable lot on Market Street had been found, the Company appointed a building committee to generate plans for the new building. Members of the committee included Harry C. Layton, Paul M. Adams, fire chief, John E. Kern, and Arthur N. Stuart. On April 4, 1927 the new station was built.

During the year of 1931, the Company sponsored a carnival with all proceeds going toward the new consolidated school The company paid for all labor of unloading and hauling five freight cars of cinders; buying dirt to fill in and grade lawns; and paid for 650 lbs. of grass seed, one ton of lime, one ton of bone meal and 26 evergreens and trees.

On December 14th, 1934, the Company celebrated its first 25 Years of active service to the community by having a banquet dinner at the Tuesday Night Ladies Club. A turkey dinner was served at a cost of .75ยข per plate to the Company, a brief history about the Company was read, and the entertainment was a play directed by Jeff Gray that was held at the new school.

It was on June 30th, 1936 that the Ladies Auxiliary of the Bridgeville Volunteer Fire Company Inc. was organized with 25 charter members.

A new 1936 Reo was put into service on October 1936. This engine had a 300 gallon tank with a 500 gallon pumper at the cost of $3600.00. This engine is still in service to this day.

In July of 1947, 1st Ambulance Service of the Bridgeville Vol. Fire Co. was established with Chief Engineer Myer Dimes, Sr. as acting Ambulance Captain and LeRoy Truitt as the 1st Ambulance Treasurer. In January of 1948, Robert J. Bennett was elected 1st Ambulance Captain. Also, a special meeting was called to purchase a new chassis for fire engine to be built by members of the Company. The committee appointed was Lewis Collins, Ralph Collison and Myer Dimes, Sr. This truck was built from equipment off an old 1926 Reo engine. Active in building the engine were William McDowell, Myer Dimes, Sr., Phillip Morris, Lewis Collins and others. Also, the Company purchased its 1st parade uniforms at a cost of $44.75 each.

In August of 1950, a motion was made by Dave Boyd to build a new addition to the present building. Motion approved and a committee consisting of Dave Boyd, Myer Dimes, Sr. Walton Smith, Jr., William McDowell, and Lewis Collins were appointed to follow through with the building.

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