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The Honoring of Cpl. Keith Heacook

Sunday, May 2, 2021

We will be honoring Cpl. Keith Heacook of the Delmar Police Department, as he passes through Bridgeville (5/2/21).The route through Bridgeville will be down 404, Market St., South Main St, and Sussex Highway.  If you would like to join us in honoring the Cpl. please feel free to join us along the procession route.  The expected window of time that the Cpl's procession will be passing through will be 3-4pm.


There will be a variety of Sheriff's Offices, local Police Departments, Maryland State Police, Maryland Natural Resource Police, Emergency Medical Services, and Fire Departments throughout the Maryland Eastern Shore joining the procession to display our final salute to Cpl. Keith Heacook.

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